Mohan Ojha

Secretary General

Management Association of Nepal

Mr. Mohan Ojha is the Secretary General of the Management Association of Nepal(MAN) an apex body of management professionals. He started his career 33 years ago and served in various corporate organisations. He served in Khetan Group in Nepal for 15 years and Chaudhary Group of industry worldwide for 5 years as HR / Admin and Corporate Affairs.

Mr. Ojha started his own venture, Growth Sellers Pvt. Ltd. — a complete HR solution, to serve in the HR business, and continuously serving the nation by managing HR since 2008. He is the Managing Director of Growth Sellers Pvt. Ltd.; Managing Director of Growth Leadership Academy Pvt Ltd.; and Managing Director of Corporate Club Nepal Pvt Ld. Mr. Ojha is also engaged in various volunteer organisations in Nepal. He is the Founder Member and Vice- President of the Human Resource Society Nepal (HRSN) and serving as President at the HRSN from 2017 onwards till date. He is also the Founder and President of the Federation of Outsourcing and Staffing Institution Nepal (FOSIN).

Mr. Ojha is involved in the Management Association of Nepal (MAN) in various positions and is a Board Member. He has been re- elected as a Secretary General from 2022 to 2024. He is a Council Member of the Asian Association of Management Organizations (AAMO) and is a Rotarian. He believes in doing what one loves and being passionate about turning dreams into reality. He strives to strengthen the human capital of the nation and advocate for the skilling, upskilling, and reskilling of Human Resources in Nepal.

AAMO Secretariat
The Hong Kong Management Association
14/F, Fairmont House,
8 Cotton Tree Drive,
Hong Kong